
What Is Fowling?


To knock down all ten of your opponents pins, before they knock down yours. To begin; Flip a coin to start. Winners of the coin flip choose first or last throw, losers pick which end they want to defend. Player #1 from Team A throws first. Then, Player #1 from Team B throws. Next, Player #2 from Team A, then Player #2 from Team B and so on. Continue throwing back and forth until one team has knocked down all ten pins. One football per lane/game.

– 1 football goes back & forth with players taking turns throwing it.

– WIN: First team to get all their opponent’s pins down.

– Up to 10 players in even teams on each end of the lanes

– Once your opponent’s ball hits the ground it can be caught or blocked, the ball can also be caught after it passes over the platform of pins.

– Once a pin goes down, it stays down, regardless of what knocked it down (wild footballs from adjacent lanes or ANY other accidental fall)

– Once the football hits the wood platform it must be left alone to do what it’s meant to do! Always clear the fallen pins from platform.

Thursday – Sunday

$10 per person, per hour